About me
Between 2009 and 2017, VICKI TURETSKY served as commissioner for the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, leading efforts to adopt a family-centered mission by implementing evidence-based policies, practices, and research that prioritize family wellbeing, father engagement, and program equity. Currently, Ms. Turetsky serves as a consultant to foundations and nonprofit organizations. Previously, Ms. Turetsky was the family policy director for the Washington DC-based Center for Law and Social Policy, when she was involved in the development of every major child support law enacted by Congress since 1996. She also held positions in the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office and Department of Human Services, Corporation for National Service, MDRC, Princeton University, and Union County Legal Services in New Jersey. Over the years, her work has been recognized by the Burton Awards (in association with the Library of Congress and American Bar Association), the National Child Support Enforcement Association, the National Tribal Child Support Association, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Administration for Children and Families, the State of Minnesota, and other organizations. She received her B.A. from the University of Minnesota and her J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School in 1982.